Today ACES held its second online AGM. So much has been achieved in the last 12 months. Here are just a few of our achievements:
- Created a logo.
- Established a website.
- In conjunction with the CiRCE Institute organised our first online conference which saw over 100 Australians attend.
- Published our monthly online newsletter.
- Increased our membership from 100 to almost 400 and is still climbing.
- I spoke at the annual HEA online conference.
- Participated as guest speakers at the Classical Education seminar held in Melbourne during September.
- Participated in the Paideia Pedagogy Certification Course with Dr Robert Woods from Kepler Education.
- Participated in the monthly Paideia Reading Bookclub sessions with Jennifer Ruth Dow.
- Participated in the online Book Club sessions led by Sarah Flynn founder of Logos Australis.
- Created promotional family pamphlets about Classical Education.
- Created an Instagram and LinkedIn account.
- Organised an online mini conference with Beautiful Teaching founder Adrienne Freas and her team.
- Held over 40 Zoom meetings with people all over the world.
- Participated in the podcast channel Educating Humans with Difff Crowther.
Thanks to all those who have supported us throughout the year. 2023 will be bigger!